Fairfield, CA – 19 July 2018 Telegenisys Inc. today announced that their Pune, India operations center underwent an external audit to the Office for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of health & human services’ Phase 2 HIPAA Audit program protocol and was found to be in compliance with all items. Telegenisys CEO Mark Merani said, “This result is entirely due to the hard work of our staff who strive every day to meet the regulatory and business needs of our clients.” Telegenisys Director of Operations Rakesh Medhekar said, “We have processed medical records in bulk for our clients and kept our client data safe for over a decade. Completing Phase 2 HIPAA Audit Program demonstrates our strong commitment to secure client data to the highest standards and we are always vigilant about internal and external threats to data.” Telegenisys Senior Manager of Technology Sudarshan Mahajan said, “I’m thrilled that we have successfully completed our HIPAA audit with no corrective actions needed and in such a short time period. Telegenisys has always had a focus on a culture of compliance, and we take great care to protect the data our clients entrust to us.”
About Telegenisys Inc.
Telegenisys Inc. is a Delaware corporation having its primary headquarters in California. Telegenisys has been providing service solutions to American businesses since 1994. It offers a broad spectrum of services to medical practices, genomics labs, record request companies and medical software providers. Its image group analyses satellite and drone images to develop sophisticated data models with precision and accuracy. Regardless of the application, Telegenisys delivers a highly accurate and reliable service.
PR Contact:
Mark Merani
1-(707) 377-3799
[email protected]
Telegenisys Inc.
5055 Business Center Drive, Suite# 108-223
Fairfield, CA 94534, USA