
Medical chronology blogs

How to build a medical chronology

How to build a medical chronology

How can a Medical Chronology save you time and money? A well-indexed and organized medical record reduces 100% of the time spent in sorting the medical records and reduces review time by at least 40%. It indexes timelines and relevant details of the medical events to...

Medical record indexing

Medical record indexing

Medical record indexing is commonly used to access patient’s data faster. This allows the user to look up a small subset of the fields under bookmarks in PDF, which are stored in a sorted order and is used to find the actual data using the key. Indexing makes it...

Medical records simplified

Medical records simplified

Are your medical record reviews time consuming? Tired of seeing unsorted and disorganized medical records? Millions of professionals review unorganized medical records as documents. Simplify your medical record reviews with improved accuracy and 220% faster speed of...

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