HIPAA privacy

Are you accidentally violating HIPAA?

Are you accidentally violating HIPAA?

Lately, most known HIPAA violations have happened because of data exposure from a vulnerable computer, however healthcare organizations have also suffered from other circumstances of HIPAA violations without knowing it. People install anti-virus programs and also keep...

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Network security partnerships for healthcare

Network security partnerships for healthcare

Bill Kleyman's recent article in health it security goes over the basics that every healthcare security administrator must consider in their own operations. But no healthcare network operates in isolation. Each healthcare provider must network with other institutions...

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HIPAA regulations for wearable devices

HIPAA regulations for wearable devices

Covered entities and business associates should be well-aware of the OCR HIPAA audit program, particularly when Phase2 has already been in place for several months now. More organizations are electing for cloud computing options, and may even start to implement...

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Is it a time to conduct HIPAA risk assessment?

Is it a time to conduct HIPAA risk assessment?

The HIPAA privacy & security rule requires covered entities, including health care providers and health plans, and their business associates to conduct an accurate and thorough assessment of the potential risks and vulnerabilities to the confidentiality, integrity...

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