From its earliest developments, aerial photography has always provided a broad perspective for spatial features. With the advent of time lapse and rapid frame photography, measurements can be taken of changes in motion. Aerial Photography is significantly important for GIS projects, as it can provide details about the spatial data, such as structures, geographic features (i.e. Rivers, Hills), vegetation, and so forth; all these are important for better understanding of landscape, property, land use etc. In remote sensing, aerial photography established the base of Photogrammetry (mapping from aerial photographs), and this technique largely utilized by cartographers, geographers, planners, environment specialists, and the military. Telegenisys has provided support for several state DOT contracts along with its partners to perform data reduction by counting vehicles, tracing vehicle movements and creating other data for analysis models being used by contractors for DOT analysis work. Telegenisys analysts are great at analyzing photo sources for such data and tracking sometimes hard to see features for model development.