HIPAA Release of Information form
The HIPAA release of information under is a form of protection for the patient to decide for himself how and what information regarding their personal health is released to a party not directly involved with their healthcare or billing for the same service. While there are certainly situations where third party access is valid and necessary, HIPAA mandates that a patient goes through a process to authorize the release of private health information. Until authorization is provided by the patient, only the healthcare provider and biller should have access to the patient’s confidential records. In the event that information is required by a third party, the HIPAA responsible party must draft a form detailing what information will be released, to whom that information will be released, and for how long that information will be available. HIPAA also allows for private health information to be made available in certain legal situations without the consent of the patient. When litigation has begun and directly involves a patient’s medical records as evidence, these records may be made available to the court without the authorization of the patient. A subpoena is another method by which a court is able to obtain private health information without patient authorization.